Formatting Code Reference

Functionally, formatting codes are similar to HTML tags, although many of the codes have been simplified from their HTML versions. Formatting codes may be inserted in:

  • the Brief Information text;
  • all style parse strings;
  • paragraph styles;
  • the evidence body;
  • plain-text sources.

In this list, "..." indicates that arbitrary text and/or other tags may be inserted between the start and end codes. Some tags (such as <halfbreak>) have no end tag because they insert something rather than change enclosed text. (Others, like <margintop#>, have no end tag because they only work inside paragraph styles.)

Different codes may be nested; however, depending on the exporter, nesting certain codes in certain orders may cause unexpected results. Test all use of formatting codes thoroughly, especially when using them in styles.

Formatting Code Reference

Paragraph Styles
<style=NAME> Sets a paragraph style (see Paragraph Styles)
<charstyle=NAME> Sets a character style (see Paragraph Styles)

Text Formatting
<b>...</b> Makes the enclosed text bold
<i>...</i> Makes the enclosed text italic
<u>...</u> Makes the enclosed text underlined
<strike>...</strike> Makes the enclosed text strikeout
<super>...</super> Makes the enclosed text superscript
<sub>...</sub> Makes the enclosed text subscript
<shadow>...</shadow> Puts a shadow behind the enclosed text
<url>...</url> Makes the enclosed text a clickable hyperlink
<size#>...</size#> Makes the enclosed text the size specified by # (i.e. <size12> is font size 12)
<s#>...</s#> Makes the enclosed text into an HTML-style heading; # is inversely related to HTML heading sizes, i.e. <s1> is heading size 6 and <s6> is heading size 1.

Colors & Fonts
<font=NAME>...</font=NAME> Makes the enclosed text the font specified by NAME (i.e. <font=Arial>, etc.)
<color=NAME>...</color=NAME> Makes the enclosed text the color specified by NAME (i.e. <color=blue> or <color=#FFAC00>, etc.)
<bcolor=NAME>...</bcolor=NAME> Makes the background of the enclosed text the color specified by NAME (i.e. <color=teal> or <color=#AAFF25>, etc.) Warning: When exporting to HTML, this is not compatible with all browsers.
<blockbcolor=NAME>...</blockbcolor=NAME> Makes the background of the enclosed paragraph the color specified by NAME (i.e. <color=teal> or <color=#AAFF25>, etc.) This differs from <bcolor=NAME> in that the color is a block for the entire paragraph, instead of each individual character. (Note that the closing </blockbcolor=NAME> should be placed after the end of the paragraph, at the beginning of the next paragraph. The closing tag can be omitted altogether when inside <box> tags.)

<ul>...</ul> Makes the enclosed section into an unordered (bullet point) list
<ol>...</ol> Makes the enclosed section into an ordered (numbered) list
<li>...</li> Makes the enclosed text into a list item, with a bullet point or number

<tab> Inserts a tab
<mtab> Tabs to the center of the page (centered)
<rtab> Tabs to the right side of the page (right-justified)
<leader> Inserts a dotted leader line to the right side of the page

Paragraph Formatting
<jleft>...</jleft> Makes the enclosed paragraph left-justified
<jright>...</jright> Makes the enclosed paragraph right-justified
<jcenter>...</jcenter> Centers the enclosed paragraph in the page
<box>...</box> Surrounds the enclosed paragraph with a box
<indent#>...</indent#> Indents the enclosed paragraph # eighth-inches (i.e. <indent8> is 1 inch)
<i#>...</i#> Insets the enclosed paragraph from both margins, in the style of HTML <blockquote>
<margintop#> Adds # 32nd-inches of space above the paragraph (i.e. <margintop16> is half an inch). Since this has no end tag, it's only recommended for use inside paragraph styles.
<marginbottom#> Adds # 32nd-inches of space below the paragraph (i.e. <marginbottom16> is half an inch). Since this has no end tag, it's only recommended for use inside paragraph styles.
<spacing#> Sets paragraph line spacing to # percent (i.e. 100 = single, 150 = 1.5, 200 = double). Since this has no end tag, it's only recommended for use inside paragraph styles.
<lock>...</lock> Locks the enclosed paragraphs together so they don't cross pages (note: put </lock> after the end of the last paragraph you want to lock, i.e. at the beginning of the next paragraph. Lock tags are boolean, not nested; only one end tag is needed to unlock, even if there were multiple start tags. This can be used to your advantage to lock section headers to the first evidence card.)

<keep>...</keep> Similar to <lock>, but only keeps the entire paragraph on one page without keeping it with the next paragraph. (As before, put </keep> after the end of the paragraph to keep together, i.e. at the beginning of the next paragraph. Keep tags are boolean, not nested; only one end tag is needed to unlock, even if there were multiple start tags. Note that using both <keep> and <lock> on the same paragraph may cause unexpected results.)

<break> Inserts a single line break
<halfbreak> Inserts a half-height line break
<pagebreak> Inserts a page break
<line> Inserts a horizontal rule

Page Numbering
<pagenum> Inserts the current page number
<pagecount> Inserts the total number of pages