NOTE: With the advent of robust cloud-storage services such as Dropbox and OneDrive, you may find it more efficient and reliable to set up a shared folder with a service like Dropbox rather than using Factsmith's own legacy feature (which works fine, but is not guaranteed to be stable). If not, carry on!
Syncbox is an HTTP synchronization host for Factsmith v1.1 and up. Synchronization lets you share and collaborate on briefs using an online repository, instead of manually emailing updates to your partner or clubmates; just click a button and instantly have the latest versions of everything.
Registration is free - click here to go to the Syncbox site for instructions.
To use, copy the downloaded .style file to the Styles subfolder of Factsmith's install location and restart Factsmith.
The software that powers the Syncbox server is open-source (GPL v3). If you want more flexibility, you can download and install it on your own server. (Requires PHP 5.3.0 or greater, which should be available most servers.) (40 KB)
For installation instructions, see "readme.txt" in the package.