Factsmith is licensed under the General Snapdragon Product License (GSPL); this can be found in the file GSPL.TXT
distributed with Factsmith, or you can read it below. The license:
In short, you can use it for free for your personal research and pass it on to a friend or two if you feel like it.
Snapdragon General Product License
GENERAL SNAPDRAGON PRODUCT LICENSE Copyright (C) 2008 Snapdragon Computing Version 2 Everyone is permitted to distribute full copies of this document without modification of the text except for minor formatting changes. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, MODIFYING, AND DISTRIBUTION 1. You may copy and distribute complete copies of the Program, without modification, for whatever cost you deem necessary. All distributed copies of the Program must retain all copyright notices and licenses. You may also offer a warranty or guarantee for a fee, at your option. The recipient of the distributed Program will also be under the restrictions of this License, and therefore may redistribute the Program for any cost he deems necessary. 2. If the end user wishes to distribute modified copies of the Program, the user must receive written permission from the author of the Program. However, the Program may be freely reverse engineered or cloned, or disassembled for personal examination. 3. If you do not accept the terms and conditions of this license, you are required to refrain from usage, modification, and distribution of the Program. 4. Any derivative works must also be licensed under this License. Such a "derivative" work is defined as a work containing the Program or any portion of it, whether in whole or in part, with or without modification or translation. The exception to this rule is if the Program is used for the development of other programs or if the Program is defined as a library, and hence may be included in other programs without requiring this License. In such a case, this License applies only to the Program itself, and not to any other works using it. Thus, a compiler or graphics library can remain licensed under this License, while programs created using it may be licensed under another license. NO WARRANTY THE SOFTWARE HAS NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EITHER OF FUNCTIONALITY, USEFULNESS, SAFETY, OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANYTHING OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. SO IF THE PROGRAM CRASHES YOUR HARD DISK, YOU CAN'T SUE US. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS |